Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WEDNESDAY NIGHT, April 9, 2008

Every prayer--every thought, every feeling, every statement--is creative. To the extent that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience. Meditations from Conversations with God. April 9 page 12
Hey Alkies. Not a lot to say tonight. Today was mostly non-eventful, nothing, nada, but just a day. I think that is good as there was no drama to wrap my mind around and believe me, no one can do drama like I can. But then that is one of the gifts of sobriety, I don't do drama like I used to do oh so well. So, I just trudged through the day, let it happen, and rolled with it while staying in the NOW. I'll sure be glad when Daave gets his Internet problem fixed. I miss his comments, both on my blog and on others that I read daily. So for now, this is it and I wish each of you a wonderful THURSDAY. Be Well.
Today I am grateful for:
God, my Higher Power.
My Sobriety
Dolly, my Schnauzer.
My Sponsor.
Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


Bill said...

It's nice when we get to that point where we can really appreciate an uneventful day. Thanks for reminding me.

Scott W said...

Humming right along, eh?