Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Right Eye - Its Always Looking Grateful.

February 1 - God is the energy you call imagination. God is creation. God is first thought. And God is last experience. And God is everything in between. Meditations from "Conversations with God, Book 1"
page 198
Hi there My ALKIE friends. Damned, by not blogging or checking the blogs the past few days I missed Pam's Birthday on the 30th. I hate that, I hate to miss out on things that are very important to my friends. Sorry Pam.
The past few days I've been down with a flu-like icky sicky feeling. Felt better yesterday, went to Lambda for bday night. Awakened to day feeling worse. This damned weather does not help, two or three days of freezing at night, a bit warmer during the day and then 77 today. At last the phlegm has loosened and is vacating this ole bod, so I'll be back to well again. Well as well as this one can be.
Speaking of well here's an update on my left eye. Ten days ago there was no vision, just outlines and light. About Wed The sight got better and has been increasingly better daily. I can now see fairly well, although foggily, at least I can see letters and tell what I am looking at. HUGE IMPROVEMENT. Yes I have thanked God. The drops are working. It still looks like surgery March/April. But I can handle that. I have to keep thinking that God does not give me more than I can handle, I sort of get away from that and then a very loving post from Prayer Girl reminded me to add My Right Eye to my list of gratitude. Damned, now why did I not think of that.
See - God sent me a note through Prayer Girl (what's in a name) just to show me HE is still working in my life. When I'm reminded to look at the big picture, it's not as gloomy as when I'm looking at just one aspect of it.
But even with the eye, the flu, the depression, and all that Jazz, I have not even thought of drinking. That has just been removed from me for so long that it just does not come up. However, a couple of weeks ago I really really wanted to just get drunk and say fuck it all. But I did as I have been taught, I thought the drink through and the ending was not a pretty picture. I'm grateful for that, but it also reminded me that I have to be ever so vigilant in my sobriety because this demon disease is cunning, baffling, and powerful and I just have to remember No Way Today Jose or I don't Drink No Matter What. (Jose as in Cuervo) Like - he is no friend of mine. Sobriety Rocks. Thanks y'all. Thank ya God.
Tonight I am grateful for:
  • God, my Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie, my OCD schnauzer
  • My Sponsor
  • My Right Eye
  • The difference a day makes

All y'all.

Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


steveroni said...

Same ole tune: "What a difference a day makes...only 24 hours...."

Ah! Memories!

To bad we cannot feel GREAT all the time. I do not think I'd EVER get bored with that.
Steve E.

Syd said...

The eyes have it. I hope that you feel better too.

Akannie said...

You don't know how much I miss you when you're gone !!!

Thanks for stopping by, and letting me know you're here.

I'm deliriously happy about your vision in that eye... and you're handling all this with just enough grace and aplomb.
(God's got a deal for drunbks that don't drink...)
