Thursday, December 10, 2009

The attack of the Gremlins.

Are you going to be in a place called fear, or in a place called love?  Where are you--and where are you coming from--as you encounter life?  December 10 -  Meditations from "Conversations with God - Book 1" page 172

I was kinda down in the dumps because after 4 days back blogging, I only a couple of responses.  I thought well, I guess I have my comeupance (sp) because I don't post everyday.  Now that bothered me for three days.  I even left a comment on another blogger's comments to drop by.  I was not getting my usual email alerts that I had comments to be moderated.  Wah, nobody loves/likes me anymore.  So this morning I decided to check comment moderation and lo and behold there were over a dozen comments.  Now how did they get there?  I had checked it prior to my self thrown pity party.  It was a shot in the ole pepper upper.  Not only were they there, but some had been there since Monday.  So now that I was back in the land of LIKE, I cancelled the remaining hours of the pitty party.  Then I went back to email, read my in box, then checked spam folder and I had 81 messages.  I started to delete all, but decided to scan them before.  And again, there y'all were.  But why did you wind up in my spam mail?  So just to be sure I did not miss any I clicked on publish and got "comment previously moderated."  What the heck.  I don't know why everyone wound up on my "spam folder", I have not changed anything.  Only two of you got through and I am wondering why not all of you.  It has to be the Gremlins.  Why me?  And now I am reminded of contempt before investigation.  Whatever, but just a Big THANK YOU to those that commented.  I guess it just keeps it all interesting and reminds me not to take things for granted.  Now if I had been drinking, I would have probably, no actually sent or called each of you and told you to go to hell, that I did not need this shitty treatment, and I did not need you in my world.  So I guess I should thank the Gremlins for showing me once more the joys of a new way of living as a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous instead of the angry all blaming drunk that I used to be.  I am so grateful for that daily reprieve.  I love Living sober.  It Rocks.

Tonight I am grateful for:
  • God, my Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie, my schnauzer
  • My sponsor
  • Being of service to my friend Joe.
  • Enjoying the interaction between Mamie and Petey.
  • Tomorrow is double dip day.
  • Family
  • Friends
  • All y'all
Y'all be pretty now, ya heah!


One Prayer Girl said...

I am just so happy you are blogging more regularly again. Why? It's not because I judge you harshly when you don't, but rather that when you blog I enjoy reading it AND I know what's going on with you and that you are O.K.

O.K.????? :)


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!