Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just stuff, Knowing, And Gratitude

March 24 - If you think your life is about doingness, you do not understand what you are about. Your soul doesn't care what you do for a living--and when your lif is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you're being while you're doing whatever you're doing. Meditations from "Conversations with God - Book 1" page 170
Hi, you bunch of blogging alkies. How the hell are ya tonight?Not a whole lot going on these days. I finally got an appointment for my brain MRI and the carotid ultra-sound. It's only taken 3 weeks to get the appointment. A case of Dr. office and lab pointing fingers at each other about who dropped the ball. I got a finger for 'em. Oooooops. Can't be doing that, but I can let it cross my mind. Un huh un huh, that's the way I like it. Heh heh. I wonder if they will find any almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pecans, or brazil nuts. I know there is a brain up there, at least that's what the previous MRI's have shown. I shall see on Thursday at 2PM.
I saw an incredible movie today starring Nick Cage. He's one of my faves. I will have to add this movie to my list of favorites. The movie is KNOWING. Friday's reviews gave it a 4 star review. I do not think they over rated it at all. It was an edge of seat keeper type of movie. It left me with a feeling of peace.
Tonight I am grateful for:
  • God, my Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie, my OCD schnauzer
  • My Sponsor (coming along)
  • My right eye
  • Being sighted
  • Enjoying life while it's in session
  • Prediction of rain for the next two days(we still need it)
  • Having what I need and accepting it for what I want.
  • All y'all.

Y'all be pretty now, ya heah!


dAAve said...

You should donate your brain to science.
Just let me know when to send someone over to pick it up.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day sweet darlin'!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the honesty of your blog and sharing what you are grateful. Amen!

Syd said...

At first I thought that you might be getting a colonoscopy! I thought..hmm...almonds, walnuts, pecans...wow, what has he been eating. Whew, I'm relieved that it is an MRI. You had me worried there Zane.

steveroni said...

Still no rain, for a month now. We need it. Fire warnings are up every day, so much dead wood out there in the 90+ square miles of our estate areas.

But we are all sober today, like MC says, for this 24-hour period.

Glad to see you writing more often, Zane.
Steve E.

Akannie said...

HIya, Zane...

Got internet that seems to work, am happy as a clam, and dancing about blogdom, checking on my peeps.
(You, you would be one of my peeps.)

TTFN !!!

One Prayer Girl said...

Thanks for the movie review. I had seen the previews of "Knowing" and thought it was "my kind of movie", but so often they turn out to be s---!

Now, it's a definite on my list to see.

Hope your MRI shows you still have a brain. Your blogs, which I always like, tell me the results will be positive. Yes, Zane does have a brain! And yes, it's great one at that! -VBG-


Scott W said...

Oh, nuts!