Thursday, December 17, 2009

An enormous menu of beingness

In seeking to be Me, the soul has a grand job ahead of it; an enormouse menu of beingness from which to choose.  And that is what it is doing in this moment now.  December 17 - Meditations from "Conversations with God - Book 1" page 173

I was havving trouble coming up with a title for tonights post, so when I read the meditation I just loved the "Enormous Menu" comment.  But this just covered any and everything that was running through this alcoholics mind that it just came to a screeching halt and said Yea, that's the ticket.

Today was eye doctor day.  Very good report, I don'[t go back again until March. YAAAAAAAAA. No more laser surgery this year.  God is good!

Joe has moved to St Josephs and had three physical therapy sessions today plus a group therapy session for seniors that are mobile challenged.  I am so happy for him.

Today was especially good for me because it was another day for me to be practicing being sober and living those principals in all my affairs.  I no longer have to make the effort, It just seems to be second nature.  But I am really challenged on some days, not to drink, but to just make it through the day.  As long as I am sober, I know I can do that.  It's just not going to get any better than that.  Sobriety rocks.

Tonight I am grateful for:
  • God, my Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie, my schnauzer
  • My Sponsor
  • Petey, the devil dog.
  • Being sighted.
  • That I made amends to my Endocronologist's nurse this afternoon in person.
  • That I can make the right choices most days
  • That the oh oh's are almost gone.
  • Family
  • Friends
  • All y'all
Y'all be pretty now, ya heah!


steveroni said...

Among all the good things on your post, there is one which stood out for me.

Zane, you wrote: "That I made amends to my Endocronologist's nurse this afternoon in person."

It id my heart (and yours also?) good to read that. thank you!

Findon said...

Glad to heare about the eyes brother. I recently had to move to another hospital. I missed one appointment at my old hospital in 10 years and they booted me out. So I thought well up yours!!!The new hospital has a specialist eye section that has a very good reputation. When I went for the first time, they gave me a battery of tests I had not had before and now there is hope. Glad life is smooth for you and good to read about joes progress.

Pammie said...

Hi Darlin', coming by to say hi, smile and wave at you...oh and to give Mamie a little scratch behind the ears as well.

Trailboss said...

Hi Zaney! Have you seen the pictures of my new puppy? She is so adorable.

Syd said...

Zane, I'm glad about your exam results. Hope that you enjoy this day.

steveroni said...

Zane, if ya get a moment, pick up an "award" over at

Scott W said...

Haven't been by here in a long time! Good to hear Joe is being taken care of and that you can be there for him through this difficult year.

Happy Holidays!

steveroni said...

Zane, I would enjoy this opportunity to wish you well, and also all your family, friends, fellow bloggers, and animals. Also a Christmas season full of JOY, and maybe even some PEACE?
Love ya man,

Akannie said...

Happiest of Holidays from Annie and Co, to Zane and Mamie!!!!!!!!

steveroni said...

Zane, soon it will be two weeks, man. Why you doing this to us/me? We inquiring minds need to know what you up to.

How about
A shout.
Out and
Retirement IS a busy time of life, I should know --grin!

Todd HellsKitchen said...


Mike said...

thanks for the post.
Yes, sobriety does rock. Nice gratitude list.

Akannie said...



It's me...Annie....come out and play...I miss you.....


steveroni said...

That Annie is SOME PIECE OF WORK!!!!!
To have met her and know her is a blessing.