Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday , August 31, 2008

You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out who you are, seek to determine who you want to be. Meditations from Conversations With God, Book 1.
Hi, y'all. Well, hell, here comes Gustav, at 2 AM EDT, it had become a Cat 5 hurricane. The AUTHORItiES have ordered mandatory evacuations from New Orleans to High Island, Texas. The three Texas counties evacuation will begin at 6 AM. If you want to go West, you have to leave before 4 AM. After that only the North routes will be open. My Sister and her son Sam, live in Silsbee which is in Hardin County and they are one of the three counties that are under this order. They left Silsbee at 5 PM and made the 126 mile jaunt to Houston in only 6 hours. They pulled into my driveway at 11:05 PM. There will be no shelters in the evacuation areas. I really think this is overkill, but I'm glad they are here with me. Their business is in downtown Beaumont and they took out all the computer equipment and the computerized diagnostic machinery and locked it up in Silsbee. Beaumont is predicted to get a 20 foot storm surge. Yeah, same as in Rita, and the storm surge never happened, but the wind and tornadoes did a tremendous amount of damage. We were sitting in my living room talking just a few minutes ago and it has been almost three years ago that we fled from Rita. I told them we had to quit meeting like this. ROTFLMAO.
I did make the birthday meeting at Lambda last night. 32 celebrants with 399 years of sobriety. However, I only stayed for 1 and 2 years and then headed home expecting to see my family had arrived. But I did get to say the Serenity Prayer, heard ESH from some celebrants, and that centered me. There were a lot of 20 plus years and at least 2/3 were double digits. One gentleman took a 2 year chip, his date was 08-06-06. He did make it through that, but on a recent business trip, his trick talked him into crack so he also asked for Desire Chip. He said his sponsor told him he was entitled to his 2 year chip, but he needed to tell he had slipped since. He than broke down and cried. It was a powerful message to all of us. This disease is cunning, baffling, and powerful and you never know how or when it will raise it's ugly head. I think those of us in attendance will always remember the moment he shared. Thank God, he made it right back. I pray I never have to experience that. I think I have a strong program, a strong desire to never drink again, and I live by the statement you don't drink no matter what. I am also very thankful I never got into drugs. Lord knows I was bad enough at drinking. So I will continue to trudge the road of Happy Destiny and hope to see all of you along the way as we journey together. God Bless.
Y'all be pretty Now, ya heah.


Scott W said...

It went pretty quickly as many were in San Antonio for the Round Up. And no one spoke for long until we got to the lesbians with lots of sobriety. bleh

dAAve said...

You DO have a strong program. The meeting was over at 8:45p.

steveroni said...

Yep, I'm here--reading--a little late, today. But, I'm always glad to hear Cunning, Baffling, and Powerful because it seems those who 'go out' forgot that line in our Big Book. In facy, maybe they forgot we HAVE a Big Book.

We have between 200-250 meetings each week in the Naples vicinity, and it keeps growing, just heard of another Big Book meeting starting next Thursday @ 6 PM. It is being initially chaired by some old-timers, so I'll check that one out. Don't want to forget we HAVE a BB! Steve E.