Saturday, August 23, 2008


This is a test.

This is also a test.

This is a test again.

Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


Scott W said...

Seems your paragraphs are in order.

steveroni said...

Kinda 'TESTY' if ya aks me! But then, you did NOT ask me...

Todd HellsKitchen said...

This comment is a test.

Zanejabbers said...

I was testing not having to use a period to separate my paragraphs. Scott W. had found a way for me, I tried it and by damned it worked.

steveroni said...

Well....'damned it!...TELL us!

Scott W said...

Now I am having the same trouble again. Damnit.

I went to your blog on Internet Explorer and it said it had been deleted, then I went on Mozilla and here you are. I don't get it.

Pammie said...

The answerers are
Line 1 TRUE
Line 2 TRUE
Line 3 FALSE
Did I pass?
Will you grade on a curve?

Zanejabbers said...

Pam, you made me laugh out loud. Thanks. Your are the only one that gave the correct, or as a matter of fact any answers, so you are 100%.

Trailboss said...

They are all correct. Did I win?

Zanejabbers said...

Lisa, you are always a winner.

dAAve said...


You're really testing me, Zane.