Friday, July 10, 2009

Nada Tonight.

Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another course. July 10 - Meditations from "Conversations with God - Book 1" age 4
Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


dAAve said...

The words are in the effort.

Scott W said...

Scott W likes this.

steveroni said...

Zane, I read this and kept looking for more. (Sometimes I'm glad to not find more!)

However, when it is said, it is SAID.

One Prayer Girl said...

I appreciate seeing a blog from you even if it says, "Nada Tonight."

Prayer Girl

Akannie said...

Love and

Tall Kay said...

Beautiful quote that says it all. There is nada mas that needs to be said.

Syd said...

I like this Zane. I was thinking about the other course and decided not to go there. Thanks to God for that.