Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Splish Splash - Good Day

Some of you are walking wakefulness, and some of you are sleepwalking. Yet all of you are creating your own reality--creating, not discovering. OCTOBER 21 - Meditations from "Conversations with God - Book 1" page 92
Hey Y'all. Good day today. I did my aquatic therapy for the first time and it was great. It is one hour of various exercises, but it is so easy, very little pull on the ole back. The therapist told me I would be sore because I have used muscles I have not used in quite a while. The pool is heated and there are jets I can back up to for a quick massage. The pool is 4 feet deep. I go again on Friday.
Forgot to mention the progress with the eye. My left eye is doing excellent. I will probably need one more laser treatment and that should do it. I have new glasses and man, is my eyesight improved. The others were about 4 years old. The eyes do change in the GOLDEN YEARS.
Even with all the stuff going on in my life and with my sister, I have not even thought of drinking. I am a staunch believer in "you don't drink no matter what." I pray in the AM and again as I go to bed. I say many "thank you God's" during the day and am fit spiritually. I'm definitely in God's hands right now and I can't think of a better place to be.
Tonight I am grateful for:
  • God, my Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie, my schnauzer
  • My Sponsor
  • My eyesight
  • Medicare
  • Working on my mobility
  • All y'all.

Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


dAAve said...

When is the last time you raked your yard?

big Jenn said...

Hi Zane. I'm sorry to hear of all the health problems you're having, but it sounds like you're handling it well. I love the quote you posted. I'm not sleepwalking anymore! Hope you keep comming to "see" me. jeNN

Syd said...

Zane, great news and good for you on the aqua therapy. Swimming and just treading water in place is great exercise. Enjoy the day.