Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday Night, July 1, 2008

Every heart has it's secret sorrow, which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Patrick/Micky go fuck yourself - oh I'm so sorry, you can't. You have the world's smallest dick.
Tomorrow I am off for Silsbee to spend the next 6 days at my sister's. She and her son, Sam are doing a Barbecue on Saturday and they do a jamb up job. Usually brisket, ribs, chicken, links, and some of my sisters 3 bean salad, and who knows what else. So it will be a feast. Rosalie's stepdaughter, Donna, will be there and maybe her daughter with her new son Isaac. He is 11 months old and I have not seen him yet. Neither has Rosalie or Sam. So it will be good to see them all. Then they go home (Houston) on Sunday and I will on Monday. Saturday night will be wild, we will probably play dominoes and Rosalie will stay up until the bewitching hour of 9PM. She usually goes to bed at 6:30. I do enjoy those family game nights.
Today I saw my retinologist and she is very pleased with the healing of my left eye. My vision has improved much more than she had envisioned. That news was pleasing to the ear. She gave me a prescription for eye drops to use 3 times daily for the next two months. Then I see her again on Sept 15. I obviously misunderstood her the last time I saw her about being able to get new glasses in August. It won't be until October or November. But I am OK with that as the prognosis is very good. THANK YOU GOD.
This coming Independence Day weekend will be my 17th 4th of July as a Sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous. It just gets better and better. I wants me some more of that.
Rosalie's computer is still on the fritz so no posting until next Monday. See ya.
Tonight I am grateful for:
God, my higher power that helps me keep
My Sobriety
My doggie, Mamie.
My sponsor.
The friend that just keeps trudging when the plate is overflowing and he just continues to be an inspiration.
Having lost 21 lbs in the last two months - down to a mere 305.
Another trip to Rosalie's.
Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


Scott W said...

I am glad you surpassed your retinologist's vision. Have a safe trip and enjoy your sobriety.

dAAve said...

I see that your vision and your ears are in good shape. Enjoy redneck East Texas.

Trailboss said...

So glad you are back online Zane! I know you will have a fun filled holiday with your family. My husband is being a prick so I will probably rent movies as it is supposed to rain most of the 3 day weekend. But going riding after work today with my daughter. :)

Congrats on the vision improvement and the weight loss. That is wonderful!

Anonymous said...


Love your opening line!

Bill said...

Yum Yum...home cookin'!!!
I'm sure you will have a great time at your sister's. I'm looking forward to hearing about it when you get back home.

Mary Christine said...

Congrats on the 21 lbs. That is awesome.