Tuesday, October 21, 2008


October 21 Some of you are walking wakefulness, and some of you are sleepwalking. Yet all of you are creating your won reality--creating, not discovering. Meditations from Conversations with God, Book 1, page 92
Man would I ever be glad to be sleepwalking. Hell would be waking up and finding out I had been. Sheeeeez!
Today I am grateful for:

  • God, My Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie my schnauzer.
  • My Sponosr
  • My blogger friends comments
  • Hearing
  • Appoint with endocronologist at 10:30 AM tomorrow.
  • A visit from old friend from SanFrancisco 11/7-14/08.


Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.


dAAve said...

Sleep walking?
How about sleepdragging? Waking up in full "gear" and finding yourself at Luby's.

steveroni said...

Hey ZJ, I hardly ever SLEEP much less walk at the same time. Now I DO walk-sleeping. Is that the same thing as sleep-walking? Oh, my!

Crap, now I have to think about that while I'm cooling down, mowing the grass.

Talk to ya later,


One Prayer Girl said...

I spent most of my life sleepwalking in hell. I'm so glad to be pretty much fully awake. Even when painful, reality is "THE BEST".

Scott W said...

God should have said "most of you are sleepwalking." Not that I want to put words in God's mouth.