Hi. This will be a very short post. I am not in a very good mood tonight. However, my mood is not such that I might drink over it. There is nothing that could make me drink. I, like a lot of my fellow alcoholics, have been through a lot of various bad times and have not drank over them. I have also been joyful and wanted to celebrate, but not with alcohol as I did before I got sober. Being sober to me is a way of life. I am not on "the fucking wagon", I have not just put the "plug on the fucking jug", and on and on ad infinitum. And if anyone thinks they will get to me by leaving or not leaving a comment, or as in the case of MICKY, harrass, try to intimidate, drive me to drink, or whatever, they can just FUCK OFF AND DIE. A few months ago I was having a discussion with a very good friend before the Sat nite meeting and I mentioned about what I would do if someone pissed me off, and he recommended that I not do it. Just to ignore it and it would go away. Well, (hand on hip) I ALWAYS know better and I did what I wanted to do. So, a little self will has run riot. But not enought to make me drink. NEVER. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I do not expect you or anyone else to conform to my beliefs. I respect your belief system and I ask you to give me the same in return.
Enjoy your day, my friends, I will enjoy mine. See you on the road. Love you.
Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.
see ya Friday morning.
At least that mood will pass soon enough.
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