You must first learn to honor and cherish and love yourself. Jan 27, Meditations from Conversations with God. page 126
I thoroughly enjoyed the birthday celebrations of last night. 333 years of Sobriety were celebrated. The funniest line of the evening went to this lady celebrating 18 years that, after identifying herself, said "and now for a year for year recap of these past 18 years." The only thing that I planned to say was Sweet 16 and very much kissed, all four cheeks plus. then it was more blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, etc., etc., etc. And we were all very verbose. And, as with all Birthday Nights, there was a lot of love expressed, a lot of gratitude, and a bunch of recovering drunks celebrating various lengths of time in SOBRIETY. And we all got there the same way - ONE DAY AT A TIME WITHOUT A DRINK.
Today, I am grateful for:
My higher power, God.
My Sobriety
Dolly, my Schnauzer
My Sponsor
My friends that shared dinner with me b4 the meeting.
The experience, strength, and hope that was shared during the 1.5 hour meeting.
Y'all be pretty, now ya heah!
The blah, blah, blah, was me talking, not anyone else.
Blah, blah, blah, blah is sometimes the best thing to say. Sorry I missed it.
blah blah blah blah blah
I love blah blah.
I am one with blah blah ;)
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