Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another day of Sobriety.

Feeling guilty is a learned response. June 3 - "Conversations With God - Book 1" page 119
Today I am grateful for:
  • God - My Higher Power
  • My Sobriety
  • Mamie, my OCD schnauzer
  • My Sobriety
  • My Right Eye
  • Being sighted
  • Not having a snit at the Dr. today when only his PA was there. I graciously reminded the receptionist that I only see the Dr. She check my chart, and there it was. She apologized and it is now in the system and I am rescheduled to go in on 6/22. I feel good that I didn't just blast her. I must be spiritually fit today.
  • Seven of you left me a comment after a months absence.
  • Peace, Quiet, Love
  • The wonder of an electrical storm Southeast of downtown as I drove in from Spring. Beautiful.
  • All y'all

Y'all be pretty now, ya heah.(can't believe I left this off last night)


dAAve said...

this is a comment

steveroni said...

"I feel good that I didn't just blast her."

We have ceased fighting anybody or any thing....and how fitting it is to "just didn't blast her"??

Zane, I sure missed your charming honesty. "You don't need no nods from anybody, you just do yer thing!"
Sounds like Tom Sawyer.

I know, I know!!! -grin!

Syd said...

We're having a stormy day here as well. I like those stormy overcast days. Very nice.